I got five balls of DB Cashmerino Aran in a beautiful teal colour for Christmas and have cast on 144 stitches to start my first sweater. I've decided to go with the simple Tempting from Knitty.I only knit two Christmas gifts this year. A 2x2 rib scarf with a hole in it for my Mum and a toy for Moustache. The toy pattern comes from here and was a super simple knit.
It's not the cutest toy in the world, but Moustie seems to love it.
I also just finished a second cabled baby hat in blue for Lise's baby. I still like the pink one better, only because I LOVE the coral pink colour. But little boys don't wear pink, so Baby Blake will receive the blue one. The pink one still doesn't have a home. Aw.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tempted by a sweater
Posted by ingrid at 12:14 pm |
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Merry!
Not much knitting has been going on in recent days, but I have managed to start another cabled baby hat for one of my friends' babies. I had knit the pink hat last month, but none of my friends are having little girls! So I bought some baby blue DB Baby Cashmerino and cast on a hat for baby Blake.Since hubby and I are both musicians, we used to go to shows at least once a week when we lived in Moncton and Halifax, but bands rarely come through Yarmouth . . . That's why we were superexcited to go to the Wintersleep/Contrived/Ryan Cook show at Th'YARC Friday night. We showed up for soundcheck at 4 p.m., because hubby was invited to play one song with Wintersleep, and hung out with the boys until the show started at 8 p.m.
I don't want to bore anyone with a full review of the show, so I'll make this extremely brief. Ryan Cook took the stage first with his new country band. If I didn't know Ryan, I would have asked, "Who is this retard?" but I know the whole country act is kind-of-sort-of-not-the-most-serious-thing-in-the-world. Besides, he used to only listen to the most gory death metal.Hubby joned Wintersleep for an encore performance that was amazing. I hadn't seen him on stage since 2004, I think. He was great. There he is, playing the bass.
In the words of Dr. Seuss in How The Grinch Stole Christmas, I just want to wish all the bloggers of the world a "Merry Merry!"
Posted by ingrid at 10:15 am |
Friday, December 15, 2006
Holy Christman!
Years ago, when I first learned my ABCs, I labeled a box of Christmas ornaments "Christman." It cracks me up every time I see that box. Once I learned of my error, I xed out the offending "n" and replaced it with an "s." It's still cute as can be.
Here's a Christman, er Christmas, meme that I stole from My Fashionable Life
Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Is tea an option? Okay, I would have to say hot chocolate because I've never been a fan of egg nog, or as I like to call it, chicken milk (directly translated from "lait de poule").
Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
He wraps most of them, unless they're really big.
Coloured lights on tree/house or white?
I have white lights on the tree right now, but I have no objections to coloured lights. They're both lovely.
Do you hang mistletoe?
No. I've never even seen the real thing. Just the plastic mistletoe Mum has.
When do you put up your decorations?
As soon as I can without looking like a crazy person. Usually early December.
What's your favourite Christmas dish?
G-R-A-V-Y. 'Nuff said.
Favourite Christmas memory as a child?
I don't know how old I was, but I woke up to pee in the middle of the night before Christmas. I had to cross the hall to get to the bathroom and I snuck a glance toward the fireplace. I swear I saw Santa in the living room. So, I peed as quickly as possible and didn't flush because I didn't want to scare Santa.
When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
Not sure, but I do remember being in the fifth grade when all of my classmates stopped believing in Santa. I told them the above story and convinced them ALL that Santa really did exist. Their parents must have loved me.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Sometimes. This year since we'll be traveling between hubby's family and mine, I think we'll open presents from each other on Christmas Eve. It'll just make Christmas Day a little less hectic.
How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
With all kinds of ornaments. The more, the better. The Hello Kitty ornaments are the best, though.
Snow! Love it or dread it?
Love it, but we don't usually have snow in Yarmouth on Christmas Day.
Can you ice skate?
Yes, but I'm no champion figure skater.
Do you remember your favourite gift?
Hmmmm, not really. I always like to get books though.
What's the most important thing about Christmas for you?
Being with family.
What's your favourite Christmas dessert?
Grand-mère's apple pie.
What's your favourite Christmas tradition?
Having lobster sandwiches with the French side of the family at suppertime. Everyone has already had a huge turkey dinner at lunch time, so we don't want anything more than a few sandwiches.
What tops your tree?
A small angel.
Which do you prefer: giving or receiving?
Ooohh! I love both so much!
What's your favourite Christmas song?
Can I pick two? Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Peace of Earth/Little Drummer Boy by David Bowie and Bing Crosby.
Candy canes?
Indeed millipede.
Posted by ingrid at 4:29 pm |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The best kind of knitted garment is quick, easy and when it's finished, you love it. I give you, Calorimetry!
Pattern: Calorimetry by Kathryn Schoendorf
Source: knitty
Materials: some leftover Patons Decor in country blue and an extra button from my reporter's coat.
Needles: US 8 (5 mm) bamboo circulars
Started: December 12, 2006
Finished: December 13, 2006
Modifications: I didn't use the yarn the pattern called for, but besides that, I followed the pattern exactly.
This is a quick knit and it's cute as a button. I like so many things about this headband! My ears normally stick out a bit, so hats that are tight around my ears end up giving me a headache. This isn't tight, but it stays on really well and won't hurt my head. I especially like it when I wear pigtails. Supercute.
Posted by ingrid at 3:11 pm |
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Fresh off the needles
Pattern: Thuja by Bobby Ziegler
Source: knitty
Materials: Artyarns Supermerino in colour #101
Needles: US 6 (4.25 mm) bamboo dpns
Started: December 2, 2006
Finished: December 9, 2006
Modifications: None, although I must have been extremely tense when knitting these because instead of fitting a man's size 9-11 foot, they fit my size 6 1/2 feet.
I am so in love with these socks. They're my favourite knitted object so far and I know I'll get a lot of use out of them. I'm wearing them right now and I can see myself wearing them all winter long around the house. I think I am officially addicted to knitting socks. Can't wait to cast on the next pair.
Posted by ingrid at 3:33 pm |
Friday, December 08, 2006
How'd he do it?
I had a question from Kate about the print hubby made of me. She was wondering how he did it. Being the good little reporter that I am, I asked him and he said he took a photo of me and put it into Flash, traced the photo, looked for light and dark spots and filled in the darks. He's done some others of some of our friends. You can check 'em out on his myspace.
Posted by ingrid at 1:08 pm |
Thursday, December 07, 2006
If the sock fits . . .
One sock is finished and the other is well on its way. But there is a slight problem. If you remember, these were supposed to be hubby socks. Well, I must have been extremely tense when knitting sock number one because instead of fitting hubby's size 11 feet, it fits my size 6 1/2 tootsies. Oh well, if the sock fits, I guess I'll have to wear it.I really like the colourway and the yarn is so cooshy, smooshy and soft. Since they are pretty thick socks, I think they'll be what I like to call "house socks." My Mum asked if "house socks" are anything like slippers . . . I guess they are. I'll be wearing them while bumming around the house on a cool winter's day to keep my feet toasty. Can't wait to finish them so I can slip right into them.
I put up our teeny Christmas tree Sunday night. We usually put the three-footer on the floor, propped up by a wicker box, but this year we had to put it on top of the TV stand so Moustache isn't tempted to attack it. So far, so good.I helped Mum put her tree up today and now I'm super excited for Christmas! I always get really excited at Christmastime, but usually not this early. I've had all my shopping done since early November and everything's been wrapped since then. I'm a tad bit of a keener.
Posted by ingrid at 7:36 pm |
Monday, December 04, 2006
Two matching mittens!
The mittens are done! Here they are in all their glory on the window sill.Pattern: Text-messaging mittens by Heather Brack
Source: knitgrrl by Shannon Okey
Materials: (pink) Misti Alpaca worsted in colour #972 and (green) Mission Falls 1824 cotton in colour #805
Needles: US 7 (4.5 mm) bamboo dpns
Started: November 25, 2006
Finished: December 1, 2006
Modifications: The main one being that I didn't knit a hole in the thumbs for text-messaging purposes because I don't own any text-messaging doodads. I also used a different yarn (the pattern calls for Cascade 220) so it would match my beloved Kittyville hat.
I really like these mittens. Since they're made of alpaca yarn, they're supersoft and really warm in the cold weather. I had the chance to wear the matching set today since it SNOWED in Yarmouth! It's the first snow of the year! Yeah, I'm one of those people who loves snow.
Here's the scene from our living room window today. This is the intersection at Alma and Carleton streets. Isn't it lovely?The socks (rather, sock) are coming along nicely. No photos yet, because they don't look like much, but I did manage to turn a heel and knit a gusset. Now the only challenge remaining is grafting the toe. I'm quite proud that I managed to figure out how to turn a heel. I ended up doing it twice because I screwed up the heel flap of all things! The sock seems small right now, but I hope they'll fit my hubby's wide feet!
Posted by ingrid at 4:04 pm |
Friday, December 01, 2006
New job?
Well, it seems as though I have a job. I had an interview at the art gallery two blocks from my house on Tuesday morning and yesterday at 5 p.m. I got a call saying the deputy minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage just has to approve me and I'll be hired. It's not a reporting position, but it's definitely a super job to have until I can find something in my field. I will have a few journalism-y type tasks with this position like writing memos and communiques, which is great. Tomorrow I'm going over to the gallery to do some training.
Last night I cooked a chicken dinner and after I plated it up, I thought it looked pretty enough to be photographed. It was just as tasty as it looks
Moustache has a habit of hiding under this mat, but what he doens't realize is that he's bad at his own game. He's still cute as a button, though:And here's the other end peeking out:
I'm halfway through finishing my second mitten. Next I get to cast on those socks for hubby!
Technorati Profile
Posted by ingrid at 12:26 pm |
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One down, one to go
The power went out this morning at about 9:45 and stayed out for an hour and a half. I had nothing better to do but finish my first mitten. I think it's pretty frigging cute and can't wait to finish its pair so I can wear them proudly. The weather is starting to get colder, so it'll soon be time for scarves, mittens, hats and all things wooly. I wove in most of the ends, but I still need to either block or press the base of the mitten so it doesn't curl.Here is the amazingly yummy Artyarns supermerino I bought in Dartmouth last weekend. And yes, that is Moustache getting ready to pounce. If Moustache was a 20something young woman, he would be the most high-maintenance woman out there. He will only play with expensive yarn. He scoffs at the thought of playing with anything made of acrylic. It's only cashmere and merino wool for this kitty.
The Artyarns supermerino is colour 101: a melange of purple, gold, navy, brown, olive, with turquoise highlights. These three balls will soon (when I finish my second mitten) become some lovely Thuja socks for hubby. Here's hoping I can figure out how to turn a heel. Eeek!
Posted by ingrid at 3:12 pm |
Monday, November 27, 2006
Trying my hand at mittens
I decided that my kitty hat needed some friends, so I'm making some matchy-matchy mittens with my leftover yarn (okay, it's more than just "leftover yarn". I bought two hanks and still have one left). This is my first time knitting mittens, and so far it's going well. I think lefty is looking pretty cute.I went to Halifax on Sunday to drive my cousin back to university after a weekend at home. I stopped at Tooshie's to pick up my new best friend, Mrs. Pinky Kettle. Isn't she lovely on my barfalicious harvest gold stove?
She's a beauty and she whistles! I've only had electric tea kettles in the past, but I am officially in love with Mrs. Pinky. I've even stored the old electric kettle under the sink.
I stopped at Tangled Skeins in Dartmouth. I've heard that it's the happiest place on Earth, but had never visited before. I can confirm all rumours: it is indeed the happiest place on Earth. I bought several bamboo dpns and circulars and some beautiful Artyarns supermerino sock yarn (for my first attempt at socks, of course). I will take a photo of the new yarn whenever the sun comes out.
And now for some eye candy. Here's a print hubby made of moi! It's awesome. I love it.
Posted by ingrid at 8:36 pm |
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy Holidays from Mr. and Mrs. Homicide
We were taking Christmas card pictures last night at Mum and Dad's house. Of course, we had to test the lighting first, so instead of just sitting there in front of the fireplace, hubby and I decided to put on a show.
Now that's creepy enough . . . having your hubby threaten you with a fire poker, but then Jesse got even more homicidal:
Hmmmm. Makes you wonder how the love of your life really feels about you.
Not much knitting to report. I'm working on another 2x2 rib scarf for my hairdresser. After that, I hope to dive in to my first sweater.
Posted by ingrid at 1:34 pm |
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Two new finished projects
It's finally happened. After starting this project three times, I've finished it. This is my third hat and, of course, my first cable. Isn't it sweet?Pattern: Cable and seed stitch baby hat by Sundara
Source: Purly Whites
Materials: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino in colour #602 (1 ball)
Needles: US 3/3.25 mm dpns
Started: November 16, 2006
Finished: November 22, 2006
Modifications: Only one! In the increase row, I increased after every 17 knit stitches instead of after ever 16 stitched because 17 divides into 102 a heckuva lot better than 16.
Notes: This is such a lovely hat and the baby cashmerino was a pleasure to knit with. However, I found that since the yarn is so soft and smooth, it slipped off of my needles a lot and then I became frustrated. But cables were much easier to do than I thought they would be and I can't wait to try them again. I knit this hat because it seems as though everyone I know is having babies. This little gem will go to the first one who pops out a little baby girl.
I also finished this secret project a few weeks ago. Since the person who will receive this as a Christmas present may or may not read this blog, I decided to take a photo that doesn't reveal what it is . . . so just admire the blanket stitch and neat material.
Posted by ingrid at 3:13 pm |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
new friend
This lovely gal will be a permanent fixture in my kitchen very soon. I saw it on a full-page ad in the paper last week, on sale for $29.99 at the Paderno Factory Blow-Out sale. Awesome, except the sale is at the Halifax Forum and I wasn't planning to drive three hours for a tea kettle, albeit a very cute one. So, I asked Tooshie if she'd pick it up for me, and she did. I can't wait to see it!The cut-off date for the job I applied for is today. I'm really hoping I'll get a call for an interview this week! Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by ingrid at 6:34 pm |
Friday, November 17, 2006
Baby's first cable
After starting this project three times, I've managed to make my first (and second, and third) cable. It's oh-so exciting and I feel extremely accomplished. Before I was a knitter, I looked at cables and thought only experts could knit them -- now I know all you need is a crooked needle and ta-da! Instant cables! This photo is far from great (can you say "no sunshine for days"?), but if you try hard, you can see a cable somewhere in there.This will be another baby's hat made of Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino in a pretty pinky coral shade (I know it looks orange in the photo -- blame the bad lighting).
I gave my umbilical cord hat to my friend today. We tried it on the little one and it's absolutely adorable. It's still a little big for him (he's only one month old), but he'll soon grow into it. I wish I had my camera with me when we stuck it on his head, but alas, I didn't.
Posted by ingrid at 6:54 pm |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Chapter 2
Well, I've fnished two new projects. I finished a secret project last night that's for someone who may or may not read this blog. Here's a hint:Could be a button hole? Maybe not. Oh, it's all so intriguing.
And, as promised, the Kittyville Hat is done. I tried making pompoms (pompons?) to go on the ends of the drawstrings, but they didn't turn out. I think my yarn is too slippery because no matter how taught I pulled the string that goes around the centre, the pompom wouldn't hold. Oh well, I'm happy with a couple of knots on the ends of the drawstrings. I think the hat is rather lovely and cute as a button. Can't wait til it starts snowing and I can wear it (well, maybe not).
I also quit my job today. I had a huge problem with the bureau chief (I've had a problem with him since he came back from his "leave" in July) last week, so I sent an e-mail with the deputy managing editor telling him the whole story (the bureau chief essentially stole one of my stories and put his name on it). The deputy managing editor got back to me today, apologized for the way the bureau chief acted and wished me well. I've applied for a job that seems promising, so I'm hoping to snag it soon. If I don't get this job, who knows what I'll do. I have a freelancing opportunity coming up, so I'm looking forward to that.
I'm starting a new chapter in my life. One chapter has finished and I can't wait to read the next one.
Posted by ingrid at 11:18 am |
Monday, November 13, 2006
new hat!
We join this kitty hat already in progress . . .
I started the Kittyville hat in the Stitch N Bitch book on Friday and it's already nearly finished. I just have to weave in some ends, finish the ears (so cute!) and add pompoms to the ends of the drawstrings.
Here's what it looks like so far:I'm really happy with it. I knit it using Misti Alpaca worsted yarn that I bought in Saskatoon and it's so yummy and soft. It was a quick knit too. I started it in the car on the way to Halifax (to see the Hidden Cameras, eeee!) and knit like a champion all weekend. Knitting was a nice distraction Friday night when we went to Sarah's house for a small get together. The party was lots of fun (five of us spontaneously broke into Paradise By The Dashboard Light in the kitchen. We sounded awesome) until the world's most annoying couple showed up. I just focused all my attention on knitting and got through the evening fine.
Oh! and The Hidden Cameras were supergood. Jesse and I had a prime spot to watch the show (centre stage, first row) and we danced a lot. I don't think they were as good as two years ago, but they were still rather mind-blowing. The opening acts were good too. The drummer of Spiral Beach looked a lot like my ex-boyfriend Travis. Kind of creepy.
Stay tuned for my next post, for the Kittyville hat will be finished!
Posted by ingrid at 11:57 am |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
back in Nova Scotia
My cold proved to be a pain in the ass (ears?) on the plane ride home. When we took off in Saskatoon, it wasn't long before most of my hearing was gone, but I didn't worry about it too much. Little did I know that going down would be much worse. As soon as we starting heading down toward Earth, the pain started. I was so thankful to be sitting next to the nicest lady in the world (Thank you, Beth!) who held my hand, put her arm around me and gave me a constant suppy of water. There's no point in explaining how much pain I was in -- let's just say I was stomping my foot and came within a nanometre of crying. What was the worst part of all this? Realizing I had to take another plane to Halifax in three hours.
The second flight wasn't as bad (although it was delayed by an hour because of an "indication of a problem") but I couldn't hear in my left ear until the following morning. My left ear still kind of hurts and I still have a cold. Those Saskatoon colds sure are powerful.
I knit another umbilical cord hat for my cousin's new baby boy and I plan to knit another one today for my friend's baby (who is due to enter the world next week!). I have knitting group tonight, so I'll probably work on it then.
I'm also working on a special project for a special friend who may or may not read this blog. The project is almost done and is as cute as a button. I can't wait 'til she sees it at Christmas!!
I applied for a job yesterday! They're hiring two copy editors at the new dialy in the valley, so I applied. I've always wanted to be a copy editor, so I'm hoping this is my "in." As far as I know, copy editing is a lot like producing, which I really enjoyed, and I'm in desperate need of a change. It might be nice not to have my name in the paper anymore. Plus, we could live in Halifax if I got the job and I could commute to Windsor. I'm trying not to be too hopeful ... but I really want the job. I deserve it. I made sure all of my references know that I'm applying and I explained to them why I want the job. Now it's all up to them and my prospective employers.
Jesse and I are going to Halifax this weekend to see The Hidden Cameras. Superexciting!!
Posted by ingrid at 10:55 am |
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Last day on the prairie
My whirlwind tour of Saskatchewan is coming to an end. I've seen and done so much! I went to the Ukrainian Museum, saw the provinces two biggest cities, saw tumbleweed (I thought it was just something you see in Bugs Bunny cartoons, but there really is tumbleweed here!), went to an Aboriginal museum, saw Jason Collett and the Dixie Chicks, hung out with Erica and Recep and got a cold.
I also had time to visit some of the knitting stores in Regina and Saskatoon. I picked up some REALLY soft pink alpaca yarn. I'm thinking about knitting myself a hat with kitty ears with this:
I picked up this lot of yumminess in Regina at Hip2Knit. The blue Patons Decor is for a scarf for my hairdresser. I bought the green Mission Falls cotton yarn because I loved the colour and the Debbie Bliss cashmerino was just calling my name. It said, "Ingrid! Touch me! I'm cashmere!!!"
And this is the umbilical cord hat from the Stitch N Bitch book that I started and finished on the plane. Isn't it supercute?
Today I hop on the plane at 11:40 a.m. and I'll be in Halifax by 9:30 p.m. (if all goes well). I'm staying in Halifax tonight and making the trek back to Yarmouth Sunday afternoon. I'm a little (read: a lot) worried about how I'll do on the plane with my cold. I'm really congested and I know congestion+changes in altitude=pain. I'm planning to take a lot of drugs to try and clear my stuffy nose.
Posted by ingrid at 10:26 am |
Thursday, November 02, 2006
road trip to Regina
We had a good trip to Regina yesterday and I've learned the rumours are true about Saskatchewan: it's flat.
Here I am in the car with some flat land in the background:
This is the only hill in Saskatchewan (well, maybe not). The Qu'Appelle Valley:
Saskatoon's river (and, yes, that is ICE!!!):
The village of Chamberlain (near Regina), a typical scene in Saskatchewan. It could almost be the setting for Corner Gas.
The ubiquitous grain silo:
It's definitely cold here on the prairie, but I'm surprised at the difference between -10 degrees in Saskatchewan and -10 in Nova Scotia. It's not very windy here and the air is extremely dry (I feel like I have a cold, but I guess it's just that I'm not used to the dry weather. My throat is so dry and my nose feels funny. I'm hoping to find a solution to the dry throat soon. I will try cough drops today), while in NS it's always windy and wet. -10 definitely feels a lot colder in NS than in Saskatchewan.
Posted by ingrid at 10:57 am |
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
in Saskatooney
I arrived in Saskatoon safe and sound ... and cold. There's S-N-O-W on the ground here. It's ridiculous. In Yarmouth, I was still wearing a fall jacket and Birkenstocks. The forecast for tomorrow in Yarmouth is 15 degrees Celsius. In Saskatoon, it's -4. Ack!
I (thankfully) was allowed to take my knitting needles on the plane. I played it cool through security, and it paid off. So, I took advantage of the blessing and knit like a pro during the entire flight. I finished two projects: the scarf for Marcel is done (will post photos soon) and the umbilical cord hat is complete. I couldn't believe how fast I finished the hat! I started it shortly before landing in Toronto and had it finished before I landed in Saskatchewan. Crazy.
I'm glad there's only a two-hour time difference between Yarmouth and Saskatoon. I woke up at 3:45 a.m. and can't wait to hit the sack.
We're going to Regina tomorrow. It's not every day that one gets to go to a city that rhymes with vagina.
Posted by ingrid at 9:13 pm |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
spikes on a plane
My brother has expressed concerns about my bringing knitting needles on the plane to Saskatoon. According to CATSA, knitting needles are allowed on air planes in Canada. I've been googling "knitting + Air Canada" and have found that some knitters have run into problems while trying to bring knitting gear on airplanes, but it's definitely not the norm. I've decided not to bring straight needles because they're long and can look somewhat dangerous. Instead, I'm packing some bamboo dpns, bamboo circulars and metal circulars. I'm also packing them in a pencil case so they just look like skinny pencils and I'm planning to bring a padded SASE just in case my beloved needles are confiscated. Hopefully everything goes smoothly!
I went to Saulnierville today to work on a story about the missing scallop diver. When I finished interviewing the cop who's coordinating the search, I asked him about taking some kind of photo. He said the family didn't really want any photos taken (did he think I wanted a photo of the missing man's family?) because a reporter (me) was at the wharf two weeks ago taking photos and they didn't like that. This struck me as super weird because #1: I only took photos of the RCMP helicopter and the boat the missing man was diving from AND #2: the newspaper didn't use either photo. There were some people in the helicopter shot (two cops and two women), but if they were family members, that's news to me. I didn't end up taking any photos today because the search crews were scattered all along St. Mary's Bay and I couldn't find an easy way to get to them. Oh well.
Two more sleeps to Saskatoon!
Posted by ingrid at 3:57 pm |
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lazing on a Saturday afternoon
This is what I found when I entered the living room this afternoon:
Moustache is so cute when he's being a couch potato. If only he was this sweet when I'm trying to knit. Argh.
Posted by ingrid at 4:44 pm |
Friday, October 27, 2006
Getting a head start on the weekend
I got a call from BM saying I could work this weekend! That means I'll make a little extra money before I send in my expenses for the month. Awesome.
Usually when BM asks me to work for him, he doesn't hand me over any of his story ideas, which is fine because I don't mind scrounging around for a good story. But today he surprised me. When I said, "I'll call you later on today with some story ideas," he said, "I've got two for you right here." Crazy. One story idea was good and I actually did the interview, took the photos and transcribed my tape already; the other idea is kind of crummy. I'm considering calling him and telling him I'll be working on another story instead as search and rescue crews will be looking for the missing diver in Clare on Sunday. I think I will do that.
So, I got a head start on the weekend. I've got my Saturday story nearly finished and it's still Friday. Yay for me. That gives me more time to cover any breaking news that happens tomorrow (yeah right, as if anything ever happens on the weekend in Yarmouth).
That's it. No knitting today (yet). I've just been reading a LOT of knitting blogs and I think I have a blogiction (blog+addiction?).
Posted by ingrid at 3:13 pm |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
New purchase
I went to knitting group last night and it was so good. I figured I would be the only person there under the age of 60, but, to my surprise, there was a good mix of folks. Two ladies were grandmotherly, one was about the age of my mother and the other was in her 30s! It was great fun. Good conversation too!
I was introduced to Mission Falls superwash merino wool last night. It is the softest, most lovely yarn in the world. And, since it's washable, it makes it even more practical. I didn't buy any last night ... instead, I dreamed about it ALL NIGHT. So, first thing this morning, I went back to Hands On Crafts and bought a skein.
I'm planning to knit the umbilical cord hat from the Stitch and Bitch book out of it. I was looking for something soft, washable and worsted for the hat ... all I could think of was acrylic. When I saw the Mission Falls yarn, I knew immediately it would be perfect for my friend's baby. I'll knit it on the plane to Saskatoon.
My hairdresser commented yesterday on my 2x2 scarf and I told her I'd make her one. She liked the denim colour. Then, when I went to Hands On Crafts this morning, two people in the store commented on it! So nice to hear that people like my handiwork.
Posted by ingrid at 11:07 am |