I know, I know. The saffron yarn was supposed to become Pomatomus socks, but I had a change of heart after encountering some weird pooling. So I ripped back the very beginnings of yellow and orange fish scales and cast on for the Hedera socks from knitty.After one week, I've finished one sock and I think the pretty lace pattern suits the saffron yarn much better than Pomatomus ever would have. This is the happiest, sunniest sock ever and it makes me long for warm weather even more. And mid-way through knitting this sock, I stumbled across someone else in Internetland who thought the combination of a happy colour and lace pattern is a match made in knitheaven. Isn't that wild? Out of all the patterns, sock yarns and colours, there's someone else who has knit the same sock.
In other news, I am indefinitely computerless. A freak accident involving a mischievous kitty and a bottle of Propeller cream soda means Mr. MacBook's screen is effed up. I sent Mr. MacBook back to Apple to meet his maker and he'll be sent back to me "sometime" in the future. In the meantime, I'm borrowing hubby's computer.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunny socks
Posted by ingrid at 6:51 pm
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Just what I needed to see: a cheerful, sunny sock, it's so grey, rainy and blah here today. Those are really lovely. And how cool that your sock had a doppleganger out there in blog land!
ReplyDeletei didnt know you finished a sock. good job, buddy. now make a pal for it. also, you're a babe.