I arrived in Saskatoon safe and sound ... and cold. There's S-N-O-W on the ground here. It's ridiculous. In Yarmouth, I was still wearing a fall jacket and Birkenstocks. The forecast for tomorrow in Yarmouth is 15 degrees Celsius. In Saskatoon, it's -4. Ack!
I (thankfully) was allowed to take my knitting needles on the plane. I played it cool through security, and it paid off. So, I took advantage of the blessing and knit like a pro during the entire flight. I finished two projects: the scarf for Marcel is done (will post photos soon) and the umbilical cord hat is complete. I couldn't believe how fast I finished the hat! I started it shortly before landing in Toronto and had it finished before I landed in Saskatchewan. Crazy.
I'm glad there's only a two-hour time difference between Yarmouth and Saskatoon. I woke up at 3:45 a.m. and can't wait to hit the sack.
We're going to Regina tomorrow. It's not every day that one gets to go to a city that rhymes with vagina.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
in Saskatooney
Posted by ingrid at 9:13 pm |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
spikes on a plane
My brother has expressed concerns about my bringing knitting needles on the plane to Saskatoon. According to CATSA, knitting needles are allowed on air planes in Canada. I've been googling "knitting + Air Canada" and have found that some knitters have run into problems while trying to bring knitting gear on airplanes, but it's definitely not the norm. I've decided not to bring straight needles because they're long and can look somewhat dangerous. Instead, I'm packing some bamboo dpns, bamboo circulars and metal circulars. I'm also packing them in a pencil case so they just look like skinny pencils and I'm planning to bring a padded SASE just in case my beloved needles are confiscated. Hopefully everything goes smoothly!
I went to Saulnierville today to work on a story about the missing scallop diver. When I finished interviewing the cop who's coordinating the search, I asked him about taking some kind of photo. He said the family didn't really want any photos taken (did he think I wanted a photo of the missing man's family?) because a reporter (me) was at the wharf two weeks ago taking photos and they didn't like that. This struck me as super weird because #1: I only took photos of the RCMP helicopter and the boat the missing man was diving from AND #2: the newspaper didn't use either photo. There were some people in the helicopter shot (two cops and two women), but if they were family members, that's news to me. I didn't end up taking any photos today because the search crews were scattered all along St. Mary's Bay and I couldn't find an easy way to get to them. Oh well.
Two more sleeps to Saskatoon!
Posted by ingrid at 3:57 pm |
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lazing on a Saturday afternoon
This is what I found when I entered the living room this afternoon:
Moustache is so cute when he's being a couch potato. If only he was this sweet when I'm trying to knit. Argh.
Posted by ingrid at 4:44 pm |
Friday, October 27, 2006
Getting a head start on the weekend
I got a call from BM saying I could work this weekend! That means I'll make a little extra money before I send in my expenses for the month. Awesome.
Usually when BM asks me to work for him, he doesn't hand me over any of his story ideas, which is fine because I don't mind scrounging around for a good story. But today he surprised me. When I said, "I'll call you later on today with some story ideas," he said, "I've got two for you right here." Crazy. One story idea was good and I actually did the interview, took the photos and transcribed my tape already; the other idea is kind of crummy. I'm considering calling him and telling him I'll be working on another story instead as search and rescue crews will be looking for the missing diver in Clare on Sunday. I think I will do that.
So, I got a head start on the weekend. I've got my Saturday story nearly finished and it's still Friday. Yay for me. That gives me more time to cover any breaking news that happens tomorrow (yeah right, as if anything ever happens on the weekend in Yarmouth).
That's it. No knitting today (yet). I've just been reading a LOT of knitting blogs and I think I have a blogiction (blog+addiction?).
Posted by ingrid at 3:13 pm |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
New purchase
I went to knitting group last night and it was so good. I figured I would be the only person there under the age of 60, but, to my surprise, there was a good mix of folks. Two ladies were grandmotherly, one was about the age of my mother and the other was in her 30s! It was great fun. Good conversation too!
I was introduced to Mission Falls superwash merino wool last night. It is the softest, most lovely yarn in the world. And, since it's washable, it makes it even more practical. I didn't buy any last night ... instead, I dreamed about it ALL NIGHT. So, first thing this morning, I went back to Hands On Crafts and bought a skein.
I'm planning to knit the umbilical cord hat from the Stitch and Bitch book out of it. I was looking for something soft, washable and worsted for the hat ... all I could think of was acrylic. When I saw the Mission Falls yarn, I knew immediately it would be perfect for my friend's baby. I'll knit it on the plane to Saskatoon.
My hairdresser commented yesterday on my 2x2 scarf and I told her I'd make her one. She liked the denim colour. Then, when I went to Hands On Crafts this morning, two people in the store commented on it! So nice to hear that people like my handiwork.
Posted by ingrid at 11:07 am |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Fresh from the salon
Yay for new haircuts! I just came back from the salon with this lovely 'do. I think this is the best haircut I've ever had:I've gone through lots of different haircuts since I started growing hair on my head at age 3 (yes, I was a late bloomer, er, grower), but this is reminiscent of the haircut I had in seventh grade. Of course, it's updated and more mature, but still very similar to that 1993 'do. I had boy short hair and long hair since grade 7, but I think this cut suits me the best. It's cute and neat, just like me.
Tonight I may go to the knitting group at Hands on Crafts on Main St. in Yarmouth. I've been invited before, but I had kind of forgotten about it until I went to buy some needles Monday. The lovely lady working the cash told me they meet every other Wednesday evening to knit and I'm very tempted to attend. Plus, I think it's mostly old ladies who are members of the knitting group and there's nothing like hanging out with a bunch of old ladies who knit.
In six days I'll be in Saskatoon! Yay!
Posted by ingrid at 2:32 pm |
Overheard on Spring Garden Rd.
Middle-aged rich lady to similar middle-aged rich lady friend: "You don't exist ... until you bothered me."
Posted by ingrid at 10:44 am |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Today is a beautiful fall day. So beautiful, I've decided it's a good day to wear party shoes, even though I'm not planning to go to a party. It felt great to go grocery shopping this morning in a cute new skirt and party shoes. Nothing can cheer a girl up like a nice pair of red rose flappers.
I'm working on a scarf for my friend, Marcel. He commented on one of my scarfs when I first moved back to Yarmouth and, right away, I went out and bought some lovely local yarn. I think it's from a farm in Chebogue. It's taken me since then to finally take my knitting supplies from out of the closet. The reason? Not because I didn't want to knit, but because of a little kitty named Moustache. I couldn't knit anywhere near him when he was a small kitten, but now that he's nine months old, he's not quite as interested in playing with yarn.
Here's a photo of the scarf in progress. And, yes, that's Moustache's paw in the frame ... just waiting to pounce on that scarf and beat it up.
I plan to finish the scarf on the plane when I go to Saskatoon on Halloween. I'm going to visit my amazing friend, Erica. She lives in Saskatoon with her hubby-to-be, Recep. I haven't seen her since we graduated from King's in May 2004, so I'm very excited to see her. I plan to drink lots of wine, eat sushi and *hopefully* Recep will cook something for us. (He used to be a part owner of Turkish Delight in Halifax and his veggie kebaps are something else.)
Jesse and I are going to the Daniel Johnston documentary tonight. It's playing at the Osprey in Shelburne, of all places. Of course, it didn't play at the movie theatre in Yarmouth and it's not for rent in the local video store, so I was so happy to find out the Osprey is screening it. Should be fun.
Posted by ingrid at 10:49 am |
Monday, October 23, 2006
Yeah, so I just discovered this little Web site where you can create little caricatures of people. This is me:and hubby (although, he should have brown eyes):
You can create your own little person at www.stortroopers.com
Posted by ingrid at 7:06 pm |
Starting anew
I've decided to start blogging again. I traied off because I was working so much and didn't want to write a word during my time off. Now that I'm just working as a stringer, I feel the need to write. So, here I am, starting anew.
Jesse and I are now living in Yarmouth, NS -- the home of fog and teen pregnancy. We got a kitten from the south end in March and he's our pride and joy. His name is Moustache (short for Milk Moustache because of the colouring on his cute little face) and he's now nine months old. What a cutie.
Here's another pic of Moustache and Yours Truly.
We went to Halifax on the weekend for the Halifax Pop Explosion. We had a great time. Ate sushi, bought some new knitting needles, records, a skirt, a shirt, some used books and some candy. We saw everyone we wanted to see and went to the Wintersleep show (although we only saw Instruments and Land of Talk because we've seen Wintersleep hundreds of times). On Saturday, we went to the zine fair and I think it was the best one I've attended. I bought a whole load of zines and can't wait to sit down and read through them. Maybe that's what I'll do tonight.
I don't know when I'll be working next. Probably this weekend. I'm still looking for a new job all the time. I hope to find something permanent and full-time soon.
Posted by ingrid at 5:59 pm |