The branching out scarf is 50 per cent done and coming along quite nicely. I never thought I would like knitting lace because I don't really like how most lace patterns look. I would never want a lace shawl -- I just don't think they're very pretty. But, I got this lace weight yarn in a swap and had to do something with it. And I'm so surprised that I actually like the way this scarf is turning out. I worked on the scarf while I was visiting my folks in Pubnico Monday night and Mum was kind of eyeing it up. She brought out a green coat she recently picked up thrift shopping and held the scarf up to it -- they look great together. So, I guess this scarf will be gifted to my Mum! I'll probably have enough yarn to make two scarves ... but I'm not sure if I want to make another one. Disaster struck yesterday when the scarf fell off the needles in my book bag. I had NO IDEA how to get the loops back on the needle, so I ended up frogging several rows and eventually figured it out.I'm hoping the pattern will show much more once it's blocked. It looks a little messy right now.
And in other news ... I got a call back yesterday from the people hiring that job I really want and I have an interview tomorrow morning! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Editor's note: Wine and lace do not mix. Even if you think just one glass of wine won't affect the way your fingers move yarn around needles ... think again. I had to rip back 20 rows tonight when I discovered a huge hole in my scarf.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Branching out into lace
Posted by ingrid at 10:59 am
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I knit this pattern in Debbie bliss silk for my stepmother for Christmas. You're right, the blocking will really bring out the pattern, although with silk I didn't wet it completely, just pinned it and spritzed with water and it turned out fine.
ReplyDeleteI find with lace knitting it takes me a couple of tries before I get in the rhythm of the pattern. I'm on my third lace project and I still find its the case with me. I cast my current project on 3 times before I stopped making mistakes! I think we have similar tastes, so I have a book recomendation for you. Its called
Arctic Lace : Knitting Projects and Stories Inspired by Alaska's Native Knitters by Donna Druchunas. I'm currently knitting the arctic diamond stole in a light yellow misti alpaca, although I'm only doing 2 repeats so its a scarf (not terribly into stoles myself).
Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll keep my eye out for it. And thanks for always leaving a comment. You rock.
ReplyDeleteThe scarf is gorgeous! And everything's better with a thrift store coat - you'll have to post a picture of it with the coat when it's done! Waiting to hear about the interview... :)