A few weeks ago, a friend mentioned that a store in Indianapolis was looking to sell some handknit wash cloths. She encouraged me to contact Homespun to see if they were interested in stocking my wash cloths. I sent off an application and only two days later, I got an answer. Not only did they want my wash cloths, they also wanted my hats and wristwarmers! I had enough wash cloths to send off, but I needed to knit many, many more hats and mitts to fill their order. I started knitting, and knitting, and knitting some more! Finally, today I'm sending off a big box full of these beauties to Indiana!
I'm so excited to have my handknits in a real store. This is so huge for me.
In the meantime, there's a new grey ombré Abbotts Harbour slouch in the shop! It was a little experiment and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I'm kind of in love with this one. <3