Saturday, April 11, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
ReStyle prints and new beanies!
Today is a day for getting everything done. I work full-time, I'm a single mother, and I have a long-distance boyfriend, so days to myself at home happen almost as often as solar eclipses. I'm happy to announce that the cosmos have agreed to give me a day off and I'm crossing things off my to do list.
I won some prints from ReStyleshop on etsy via elv's blog a while back and finally had the chance to stick them in frames and hang them on the wall.
I've been admiring Jan's prints for years (seriously!), so I was thrilled to be the winner of elv's giveaway.
I'm a big fan of Cathrineholm dishes and all things scandinavian. Now, if only someone can come over and make the rest of my house look perfectly mid-century modern.

Posted by ingrid at 4:19 pm |
Friday, January 09, 2015
A new year
A new year, a new set of goals and expectations. I'm not one for making resolutions, but I do love flipping open the first crisp page of a new journal. This year I'm jumping on the bullet journal bandwagon. Nine days in, I'd say it's working for me. I always keep a notebook handy to jot down tasks, appointments, and assignments, but the bullet journal seems to be streamlining my notebook.
Ledge Harbour slouch in bright emerald green
Posted by ingrid at 5:00 pm |